Supply of seeds during the seed germination ulin (generative propagation). Dikecambahkan seeds are usually obtained from the fruit that has fallen on the ground surface.
Mengencambahkannya way manner or incubation system, in which the seeds sandwiched between two layers of ironwood leaves a set of reeds. Set of leaf weeds are arranged such that the bottom is used as a base to lay the seeds ulin and partly created as a cover. Measuring instruments made incubator (1 x 1)m with a thickness of ± 20 cm.
Incubator Tool (left: top / lid; right: incubator below)
Before the seeds are placed in advance in order to simplify circumcised / quicken shoots out. Circumcision only on the shell only and try not to get on the meat seed (cotyledon).
Ulin seed circumcision
When finished enter ulin seeds were at the pile bottom that has been made before, and then close.
Ulin preparation of the seeds in the incubation
In the afternoon before the evening was opened and the pile up at dawn / early morning closed. Before doing pentutupan watering. Usually about 2 weeks and the buds have been out the longest mengecambahkan 4 weeks. Bud bud sticks out is not actually over, but the rootstock shoots (root). Ulin prepared planting young age after about 9 - 12 months
Ulin and seed germination beds Wean
Ulin seeds can also be obtained from cabutan or puteran. Second acquisition this way done with caution. Seedlings were taken approximately 20 -30 cm high with an estimated age of approximately 6 months. Or with a minimum number of leaves of about 2 to 3 pieces. Khsusus cabutan seeds can still be done with ± 50 cm high (the alleged age of 1 year) and immediately planted in logged-over areas (conditions are still dense). Cabutan mode is not very advisable. Seeds form of stumps, cuttings and trubusan also not recommended because the success rate is very small.
Besides, the seeds can also be obtained in the form contained in the forest saplings. Highly recommended taking the form of round seeds than cabutan.
Planting should be carried out under a stand of logged-over and old coppice. Not recommended young and shrub planting in the open field. This is the kind of intolerant considering ulin.
The planting should be undertaken at the beginning of the rainy season.
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